Battery Storage Program

BEC proudly announces the arrival of the Battery Storage Program that allows BEC members to lease energy storage systems for just $36.99 per month with the purchase of a solar system, protecting homeowners in power outages while helping them save money on their energy bills. Please note that a limited number of homes will be included in the program for 2024.

Read more about this innovative new program.

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Home with Energy Storage Solutions

  • Currently, participants in the pilot program cannot integrate a generator into the system. Future iterations may explore this possibility.
  • There are automations in place which the batteries will prepare for a storm if a weather related event is issued by the national weather service. BEC will also prioritize member member resiliency over grid services.
  • Yes, members can opt out, but there is a $450 termination fee before the program's end.
  • Yes, you will be credited for your solar production whether it charges the battery or is sent to the grid.
  • The duration varies and depends on several factors, including the household loads and the available battery capacity. In the event of an outage during sunny periods, solar power can supply energy to the home during the day, while the battery takes over to power the home in the evening hours.
  • BEC owns and manages the battery, handling all maintenance and warranty-related work. There is no cost to the member for any corrective or preventive measures required.
  • BEC will require the same level of access to your home as needed for Apolloware and meter maintenance.
  • Batteries have the capability to charge from the grid in case there is insufficient solar energy production.

Purchasing Energy - Importing Electricity from the Grid or Battery

Whether you import electricity from the grid or from the battery, you are purchasing electricity at a retail rate. For example, if your home consumption exceeds your solar capacity, you may need to draw power from the grid or battery, and you will be charged on bill at your retail rate.

Selling Energy - Exporting to Grid or Battery from Excess Solar

When you export electricity, the credit amount varies depending on the destination. If you export to the battery, you are selling back to Bandera Electric Co-op at your retail rate, and the credited amount will be reflected on your bill. Conversely, exporting power to the grid means selling at a wholesale rate, with the corresponding credit applied to your bill.

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